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50 vlogs in 50 days

There is no doubt it is challenging times ahead. My own work schedule like many up in the air. It will probably test all our resilience and resourcefulness. So I am going to try and create some useful (technical content) and also some positive messages over the next 50 days.

For the next 50 days, I’m going to do a vlog (video blog) a day on different areas of animal health. I’ll be doing this using whiteboard videos on all aspects of herd and flock health.

I’m delighted to be supported in doing this by Nettex http://www.net-tex.co.uk

So let me know if there is a topic you would like me to cover. Hopefully, these videos and blogs will be informative across a huge range of topics. We also are in a time when everyone one of us is learning about the importance of immunity, hygiene and reducing the spread of disease.

Let’s start applying this knowledge to how we control disease on our farms. The whole area of #onehealth will become ever more important as we move forward. With that in mind I will be focusing on preventing diseases in flocks and our herds.


Some positivity

In dark and troubling times it is so important for everyone to remain calm and hopeful of brighter days ahead.

Hope is not optimism, which expects things to turn out well, but something rooted in the conviction that there is good work worth working for.

Seamus Heaney 

While the coming weeks will prove enormously challenging it is important that vital services like food production, supply and farming keep going and are supported.

At the end of each blog, I’ll try and have a little message or thought around keeping momentum and staying positive. My challenge will be to have 50 unique messages, but here is to being resourceful.

Let’s all keep doing the right thing

  1. Good hand hygiene
  2. Social distancing
  3. Social solidarity
  4. Stay calm
  5. Listen to the experts
  6. Look after your mental health

So we are all in this together, I hope you enjoy this video animal health series. I’m happy to take any queries about content in the blogs by email info@tommythevet.ie . Social media replies will be slow as I’m reducing my scrolling time for the next 50 days.

Happy safe farming

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