Challenges and opportunities in Dairy to beef systems
With over 1.6 million dairy cows calving this year we will have some very busy farmers. The calf debate has been raging for the last 6 months. Particularly in relation to the volume and markets for these calves. The challenges in the future will be around markets, particularly with increasing pressure on live exports
I think we all have to acknowledge, that we potentially will be rearing more dairy to beef calves in Ireland.
This must be a profitable enterprise to attract farmers into it. A lot of focus has been on getting the right beef genetics into cows as breeding continues. This is a 50/50 game maternal/paternal and there is only so much we can push this while maintaining dairy genetics on-farm (maternal).
I personally feel visiting farms we are heading in the right direction with the quality of beef calves out of dairy cows. I’ve seen this in the last week, with some fantastic calves on farms I have visited.
On a visit with a vet last week we really dug into a good dairy to beef health plan. Huge focus being put on the first 24 hours and getting the right vaccine at the right time.
Then a good quality milk replacer and everything possible to maximize calf comfort and fresh air in sheds. This farm will have both mart sourced calves and directly sourced calves so it will be interesting to monitor the two groups.
The future
The opportunity now for many will to put a much stronger focus on animal health. With the need to reduce antibiotic usage we must focus on two elements, the source farm and the dairy to beef enterprise.
Dairy to beef enterprises must start building relationships with source farms. Directly sourcing calves from high health status herds must be the future.
New legislation around antibiotic usage will mean prophylaxis with antibiotics on arrival will be a thing of the past over the coming years. With this being the case we must look at eliminating the challenges these young calves face in transit and particularly where we mix large groups together. Its basic biology, but the more stress and mixing the more potential disease we will see.
The country and world are now facing into a viral disease pandemic. We are all learning about how disease spreads. The more mixing of calves and stress the more potential for viral and bacterial spread.
Animal health a top priority
We must now firmly focus on animal health in dairy to beef systems of the future.
Three of the most critical factors in dairy to beef systems is making the right start.
- Sourcing calves from high herd health status herds
- Manage the first 24 hours and arrival
- Utilize pneumonia vaccine strategies early in play. Potentially even on source farms
Then work hard on feeding, good housing and husbandry.
With the right genetics these systems can work well and be a critical business model to close the loop in our dairy businesses.
Watch the video above where I dig into the dairy to beef systems the challenges and opportunities.
For more information on building dairy to beef health plans
Happy safe farming