As a dairy specialist vet, ensuring the health and well-being of calves is paramount. Healthy calves are the cornerstone of a productive dairy operation. This blog aims to provide comprehensive insights into identifying and treating common calf diseases, emphasizing the importance of consulting your vet and integrating probiotics like Precision Microbes into treatment protocols.

Vital Signs of a Healthy Calf

To effectively identify diseases, it’s essential to understand the vital signs of a healthy calf:

  • Temperature: 38.5 – 39.5°C (101.3 – 103.1°F)
  • Respiratory Rate: 24 – 36 breaths per minute
  • Heart Rate: 100 – 140 beats per minute

Regular monitoring of these parameters helps in early detection of health issues.

Signs of a Sick Calf

Look out for the following signs, which may indicate illness:

  • Lethargy or depression
  • Poor appetite or refusal to feed
  • Coughing or nasal discharge
  • Diarrheoa
  • Rapid or laboured breathing
  • Elevated or subnormal body temperature

Common Calf Diseases and Their Clinical Presentations

  1. Scours (Diarrheoa)
    • Causes: Bacteria (E. coli, Salmonella), viruses (Rotavirus, Coronavirus), protozoa (Cryptosporidium).
    • Symptoms: Watery stools, dehydration, weakness.
    • Treatment: Oral rehydration solutions, IV fluids, antibiotics based on veterinary guidance​. 60mls of Precision Microbes unique liquid Probiotic and Postbiotic orally or through milk for 5-7 days,
  2. Enzootic Pneumonia
    • Causes: Viral and bacterial pathogens, poor ventilation, and overcrowding.
    • Symptoms: Coughing, nasal discharge, elevated respiratory rate, fever.
    • Treatment: Antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, ensuring good ventilation and reducing stress​
  3. Navel Ill (Omphalitis)
    • Causes: Bacterial infection through the umbilical cord.
    • Symptoms: Swollen, painful navel, fever, lethargy.
    • Treatment: Broad-spectrum antibiotics, maintaining navel hygiene post-birth​
  4. Joint Ill (Septic Arthritis)
    • Causes: Bacterial infection spreading from the navel or through the bloodstream.
    • Symptoms: Swollen, painful joints, lameness.
    • Treatment: Antibiotics, pain management, joint drainage in severe cases​

Check out the other blogs on how to rear healthy calves and prevent disease.

Probiotics and Postbiotics in Treatment

Precision Microbes’ unique probiotic and postbiotic formulations play a crucial role in supporting calf health, especially during illness. Administering 60 mL orally or through milk for 5-7 days can significantly aid in:

  • Enhancing gut health: Probiotics help restore healthy gut flora, crucial for calves suffering from digestive issues like scours.
  • Boosting immunity: Postbiotics provide additional immune support, helping calves recover faster from infections.​

Practical Tips for Disease Management

  1. Colostrum Management
    • Ensure calves receive adequate colostrum within the first 6 hours of life to boost immunity.​
  2. Hygiene and Housing
    • Maintain clean, dry, and well-ventilated housing to reduce disease risk. Regularly disinfect feeding equipment and housing areas.​
  3. Nutrition
    • Provide a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients. Ensure access to clean water and quality calf starter feed​
  4. Regular Monitoring and Veterinary Consultation
    • Regularly monitor calves for any signs of illness and consult with your vet for early intervention and tailored treatment plans​


Early identification and proper treatment of calf diseases are critical for maintaining a healthy herd. Regular monitoring, good hygiene, and proper nutrition, coupled with the use of probiotics and postbiotics, can significantly improve calf health outcomes. Always work closely with your vet to develop and implement effective health management strategies for your dairy operation.


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