#Trimilk a glass half full

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#Trimilk a glass half full   January blues Unless you have been under a rock in January, the great food debate has been in full swing. Our complex food systems analyzed and pondered on. There has been a degree of pontification and certainly some misinformation flying around

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A hole in your welly

  This Saturday the kiddies and I went shoe shopping. New Year, new shoes and all that jazz. It made me think of something, so I wrote it down…. Great advice always seems to stick with you. A bit of background  While in the middle of a

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Being fearless in 2020

Being fearless in 2020 It is easy to recognize the look of fear when you’ve felt it yourself. I’d almost go and say you can often feel the fear off people. In 2019 I had many conversations with people about going beyond our fears and try to

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A tale of two plates

A tale of two plates It’s funny when I started traveling I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the days and countries zipped by, I couldn’t help but think? I was thinking about food, not the fact I was eating too much of it but about food.

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